The “ILP2021 – Task Force VI” workshop will be help in IFP Energies nouvelles premises:
Sequoia lecture hall
1 Avenue de Bois Préau, 92500 Rueil Malmaison (France), Tel. : +33 1 47 52 60 00
> Download our access map - "How to get there?" (PDF - 730 Ko)
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About IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN)
IFPEN is a major research and training player in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From research to industry, technological innovation is central to all its activities, structured around three strategic priorities: sustainable mobility, new energies and responsible oil and gas.
As part of the public-interest mission with which it has been tasked by the public authorities, IFPEN focuses on:
- providing solutions to take up the challenges facing society in terms of energy and the climate, promoting the transition towards sustainable mobility and the emergence of a more diversified energy mix;
- creating wealth and jobs by supporting French and European economic activity, and the competitiveness of related industrial sectors.
About Rueil Malmaison
Napoleon Bonaparte and his wife Josephine spent several happy years in the Château de Malmaison and Josephine is entombed in the Saint-Pierre Saint-Paul church, thus they have left their indelible mark on the town and consequently Rueil-Malmaison is truly an imperial town with a rich past.
The end of the 19th century also left Rueil other historical tributes. It was the time of open air cafés, boating on the Seine and the arrival of famous painters such as Renoir, Manet or Monet, who immortalised this landscape on their canvases, from then on making our river banks the entry point to Impressionist Country.
Today, the 650 hectares Urban Nature Park enables visitors to discover outstanding natural scenery, over nearly 10 km, from the Malmaison national forest down to the banks of the Seine, far from all city bustle.
Useful Link to visit Paris and its surrounding areas:

> Everything you need to know to plan your visit to Paris and the Île-de-France region